How to Install

Download the plugin

You can download the plugin in the realease tab of the github project page

Build types

  • Development Build

    This build is always updated as soon a commit is pushed on the master branch


    This builds can be very unstable or not working at all! So when use them expect them to not work or not behaving correctly

  • Tagged Builds

    The tagged builds are stable usable builds

Install the Plugin

The plugin is divided in two separated packages that work togheter to import the resources from [Quixel Bridge][quixelbridge] to [Substance Painter][sbspainter]

To install them unzip the archive in the Substance Painter Document directory that is located in:


For Windows 10 %userprofile%\Documents\Allegorithmic\Substance Painter or %userprofile%\OneDrive\Documents\Allegorithmic\Substance Painter


For Linux ~/Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance Painter


For MacOS /Users/%username%/Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance Painter

If you want to install it by hand simply place respectively:

  • the megascan_link_python folder to %substance painter documents path%\python\plugins\ folder

  • the megascan_link_js folder to %substance painter documents path%\plugins\ folder


if you had Substance Painter opened during the installation you should not be able to see the plugins listed to fix it simply click Reload Plugin Folder for both the Python plugin and the Javascript plugin


The plugins packages work together so both plugins should be enabled on Substance Painter!